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solitary leopard

10thMonaco-Japan Art Festival2016 Creative Arts Award

Starting with the Art Creation Award at the 10th Monaco-Japan Art Festival 2016, he has been selected for various domestic and international awards every year.

Art fair held in Paris, FranceSalon Art Shopping Paris2018" and exhibited Japanese culture.

→ By exhibiting this painting, it came to be noticed in France and Monaco.

On a snowy day, my mother, who has crippled legs, slipped and broke her right hand. This work was completed in just two days with my non-dominant left hand.


Alan Bazaar

Alain Bazard

"This leopard, emerging from the night, is placed in the center of the support, and its fur is very well rendered, looking at you attentively. It reminds me of a vision.” 


©2023.Hisako Yoshizawa

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